Do you ever wonder why there are so many gas stations and car dealerships on every street corner in the country? Well, there’s a lot that goes into it. The automotive industry plays a massive role in the economy of any country, and the same is true for the UAE as well. In this article we will be taking a look at some of the major reasons why you should get an electric car in UAE.
The Environment
Electric cars, or EVs, are very good for the environment because they don’t produce any emissions, and they’re much more efficient than regular cars. The production of electric cars causes much less damage to the environment than the production of gasoline-powered cars, and they’re much better for the ozone layer and climate. EV cars are also much safer than regular cars because they’re less likely to have an accident and are much safer for pedestrians and other people on the road.
Government Policies
The UAE government has made it a priority to encourage the use of EVs, and they’re offering a lot of great incentives to make it worth your while to get an electric car. The biggest incentive is the fact that you can get the same tax exemption that’s offered to people who own gas-powered cars. This means that you can save a lot of money on tax every year, and that’s a great incentive for most people. There are also a lot of other government policies that make it worth your while to get an EV. For instance, there are zero taxes on EV batteries, EV charging stations are free to use, and there are free parking spaces for EV drivers at most public parking spaces.
Economic Benefits
EV cars are much more economical than regular cars, and they’re much cheaper to run as well. EVs don’t require gas, and they’re able to travel much farther on a single charge. This means that you have much less chance of running out of gas, and it also means that you have much less chance of being late to work or running out of gas on the road. EVs are also much more environmentally friendly, so you can expect to see a lot fewer of them on the road and see a lot less damage done to public roads with their tires.
Many People Are Already Driving Electric Cars
The most important reason to get an electric car in the UAE is that many people already own them. There are already more than 100,000 EVs on the road in the UAE, and this number is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. With this many people already driving EVs, it’s easy to see why it would make sense to get one too. Besides, the number of EVs is growing at a great rate, and this means that they’re likely to only become more popular in the next few years. If you want to be one of the people who get an EV when they become more popular, you’d make a great choice.
Electric Vehicles Are Not Yet Popular In UAE
Though there are currently more than 100,000 EVs on the road in the UAE, they’re not yet very popular in the country. This is still very new technology, and most people are still unfamiliar with EVs. They’re also much more expensive than regular cars, and this is another reason why they’re not very popular. If you want to get one, there are still a few things that you can do to make it happen. First, you need to contact your nearest Toyota dealership and ask them about EV sales. Second, you can visit the website of UAE’s largest EV owners’ club to learn more about EV ownership in Dubai.